outline of curriculum
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Grade Semester Division Subject No Subject Credit In English
1 1 General Education Required Course 100788 Logical Writing 3 Y
1 1 General Education Required Course 101032 Career Design for Employment & Entrepreneurship 1  
1 1 Basic Requirements 100866 Public administration and social science 3  
2 1 Major Required Courses 126201 Theories of Public Organization 3  
2 1 Major Required Courses 126205 Introduction to Public Policy 3  
2 1 Major Electives 126109 Constitutional Law(1) 3  
2 1 Major Electives 126113 Quantitative Analysis in Public Administration 3 Y
2 1 Major Electives 126349 Bureaucracy and Democracy 3  
2 1 Major Electives 126353 Administrative Law(1) 3  
2 1 Major Electives 126530 Microeconomics 3  
3 1 Major Required Courses 126207 Public Administration Model and Analysis 3  
3 1 Major Electives 126303 Local Government Administration 3  
3 1 Major Electives 126307 English Readings in Public Administration 3 Y
3 1 Major Electives 126355 Policy Formulation 3  
3 1 Major Electives 126500 Co-operative Education Program(1) 6  
3 1 Major Electives 126501 Co-operative Education Project(1) 12  
3 1 Major Electives 126525 Public Service Aptitude Inquiry(2) 3  
3 1 Major Electives 126528 Research on Publicness 3  
3 1 Major Electives 126534 Leadership and Inclusive Organizational Practices 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126112 Administrative Law Case Study 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126115 Environment Policy 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126345 Korean Public Administration 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126444 Public Administration and Political Philosophy 3 Y
4 1 Major Electives 126466 Internship Program(1) 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126467 Internship Program(2) 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126468 Internship Program(3) 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126510 Co-operative Education Program(3) 6  
4 1 Major Electives 126511 Co-operative Education Project(3) 12  
4 1 Major Electives 126521 Capstone Design 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126527 Local government finace 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126533 Public health policy and administration 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126535 Public Data Analysis 3  
4 1 Major Electives 126536 Immigration Policy and Policy Implementation 3  
Department of Public Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6489 / Fax:+82-2-971-4647
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