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Hyok-Joo Rhee
Land use regulation
1992 Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning, Univ. of Pennsylvania, USA
1987 Master in Public Policy, Harvard University, USA
1983 BA in Urban Engineering, Hanyang University, Korea
Research Areas
Urban economics, transportation economics
Journal Papers
◾ Statistical Examination of the Spiraling House Prices in Seoul : Government versus Market, 국토계획, vol.57 No.7 pp.69~90, 2022이혁주
◾ Regulation versus taxation: Efficiency of zoning and tax instruments as anti-congestion policies, Journal of Housing Economics, vol.56, 2022이혁주
◾ Comparing the Effects of Property Tax and Floor Area Ratio Regulation on Housing Affordability and Efficiency, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.56 No.5 pp.137~152, 2021이혁주
◾ Binding Density Control and the Examination of the Costs and Benefits : The Case of Apartment Complexes in Seoul, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.56 No.5 pp.44~59, 2021이혁주
◾ Regulation of Floor Area Ratios in the Existing Built-Up Areas and Planning Values – The Case of the Seoul Metropolitan Area –, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.54 No.5 pp.107~128, 2019이혁주
◾ Publicness of Land and Density Control – A Critique from the Perspective of Planning Values –, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.54 No.2 pp.170~191, 2019이혁주
◾ The Effect of Floor Area Ratio Regulation on Gross Regional Product, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.52 No.7 pp.141~158, 2017이혁주
◾ Regulation of Floor Area Ratios and Its Efficiency, Journal of Korea Planning Association, vol.52 No.6 pp.129~152, 2017이혁주
◾ Building Coverage Ratios as a Housing Attribute and the Effects of the Regulation, 국토계획, vol.51 No.4 pp.49~63, 2016이혁주
◾ A Microeconomics of Land Use Regulations and the Measurement of Regulatory Compliance Cost, 국토계획, vol.50 No.2 pp.5~16, 2015이혁주
◾ Transport Services and the Henry George Theorem:A General Equilibrium Approach, 국토계획, vol.49 No.5 pp.241~250, 2014이혁주
◾ 세수 재순환과 토지이용-교통모형을 이용한 혼잡통행료 분석방법론, 대한교통학회지, vol.32 No.4 pp.357~368, 2014이혁주
◾ Congestion Tolls, Transport Capacity, and Financing: A General Equilibrium Approach, 국토계획, vol.49 No.1 pp.193~202, 2014이혁주
◾ Recycling Congestion Tolls through Property Taxes and Its Policy Implication, 국토계획, vol.49 No.1 pp.127~136, 2014이혁주
◾ Zoning in cities with traffic congestion and agglomeration economies, REGIONAL SCIENCE AND URBAN ECONOMICS, vol.44 pp.82~93, 2014이혁주
◾ An Analysis of the Causes of the Welfare Gain Achieved by Congestion Pricing and Transit Subsidies, 대한교통학회지, vol.31 No.3 pp.74~85, 2013이혁주
◾ General Equilibrium Analysis of Congestion Tolls in the Presence of Distortionary Taxes: A Methodology, 국토계획, vol.48 No.3 pp.293~306, 2013이혁주
◾ A Numerical Analysis of Land Use-Transportation Model as a Form of Analytical Tool, 대한교통학회지, vol.31 No.2 pp.33~44, 2013이혁주
◾ Congestion Tax vs. Transit Subsidy Especially Discussing Urban Land Use, Transportation and Air Pollutants Using the Computational General Equilibrium Model, 국토계획, vol.48 No.2 pp.217~228, 2013이혁주
◾ Analytical Methodology of the Spatial Equilibrium Model with Agglomeration Economies, 국토계획, vol.48 No.1 pp.181~189, 2013이혁주
◾ Welfare Function of Theory-Based Spatial Equilibrium Models and Congestion Tolls, 국토계획, vol.47 No.4 pp.183~192, 2012이혁주
◾ A Study of the Welfare Function of a Spatial Equilibrium Model and the Implications, 국토계획, vol.46 No.4 pp.199~208, 2011이혁주
◾ Opportunity Cost of Land and General Equilibrium Models, 국토계획, vol.46 No.2 pp.103~111, 2011이혁주
◾ Efficiency and Equity of Anti-Sprawl Policies, 한국행정학보, vol.44 No.3 pp.291~308, 2010이혁주
◾ Development of Land Use-Transportation Model with Route Choice, 국토계획, vol.45 No.1 pp.123~137, 2010이혁주
Conference Papers
◾ 1, 토지이용규제 시각에서 본 주택문제, 용도지역제 및 대도시 성장관리체제, 대한국토도시계획학회 부동산정책연구위원회, 서울시 강남구 테헤란로7길 22 한국과학기술회관 본관 301호 대회의실, 2015이혁주
◾ 1, 토지이용규제와 도시의 성장관리, 민주화 이후 한국의 정치와 행정: 진단과 모색, 제주대학교 사회과학대학, 2015이혁주
◾ 김원중, House Price of Seoul: Diagnosis and Policy Measures, 저서, 979-11-303-1189-0, Pakyoungsa, 2021이혁주
◾ 밀도규제와 형평성: 이론과 검증, 한국연구재단, 2017.11.~2019.10.이혁주
◾ 용적률규제의 효율성, 산학협력단, 2017.01.~2017.12.이혁주
◾ 성과급적 연봉제 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.09.~2014.12.이혁주
◾ 혼잡의 억제수단으로서 토지이용규제에 대한 상충된 견해들과 그 이견 해소를 위한 연구, 한국연구재단, 2014.05.~2015.04.이혁주
◾ 교통서비스의 공급과 헨리조지의 정리, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.이혁주
◾ 용적률 규제에 관한 미시경제학적 분석, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.08.이혁주
◾ 교통혼잡과 집적의 경제가 공존하는 도시에서 용도지역제와 혼잡통행료의 비교연구: 이론연구와 정책수단의 평가, 한국연구재단, 2012.07.~2013.06.이혁주
◾ 학과평가 개선방안에 관한 연구, 산학협력단, 2012.06.~2012.08.이혁주
◾ 집적의 경제와 공간균형 모형, 산학협력단, 2012.05.~2013.03.이혁주
◾ 서울과학기술대학교 산학협의회(STPN) 발전방안 연구, 서울과학기술대학교 기성회회계, 2011.05.~2011.11.이혁주
Department of Public Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6489 / Fax:+82-2-971-4647
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