◾ 기업의 자율적 친환경행태: 자발적 환경프로그램의 참여 동기 및 성과에 관한 탐색적 연구, 한국공공관리학보, vol.37 No.3 pp.107~128, 2023김기환
◾ Undergraduate education in public administration and public service motivation: A quasi-experiment with the intervention of an introductory course, Teaching Public Administration, 2022김기환
◾ Institutional correlates of public service motivation: family, religion, and high school education, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, 2021김기환
◾ voluntary environmental program: Is it complement or substitute for governmental regulation, Korean Public Management Review, vol.34 No.2 pp.65~86, 2020김기환
◾ Technology innovation and diffusion in the smart age: Focusing on the diffusion factors of the wearable device, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol.15 No.14 pp.443~451, 2017김기환
◾ Data usage and data protection: Is it possible to pursue both?, International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, vol.15 No.14 pp.425~434, 2017김기환
◾ Personal Data Usage, What to use and How?, 현대사회와 행정, vol.27 No.2 pp.121~140, 2017김기환
◾ A Study on the Influence of the Policy for Compulsory Installation of the Filtering Program for Media Materials Harmful to Teenage: Focused on the Difference of Recognitions between Children and Paren, 한국자치행정학보, vol.31 No.1 pp.125~140, 2017김기환
◾ Developing a New e-Government Performance Management Framework, Journal of Information Technology and Architecture, vol.13 No.3 pp.379~393, 2016김기환
◾ A Comparative Study on Personal Data Utilization Policy between Korea and U.K. in the Big Data Era, 한국정책과학학회보, vol.20 No.1 pp.29~56, 2016김기환
◾ Effects of Motivation on Charitable Giving Practices: The Case of Korean American Immigrants, VOLUNTAS, vol.26 No.6 pp.2645~2670, 2015김기환
◾ Impact of Trust as Social Capital on Pro-environmental Behavior, 정책분석평가학회보, vol.25 No.4 pp.141~175, 2015김기환
◾ Should Personal Data Always be Protected?: Comparison of Personal Data Utilization Policies in Foreign Countries, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.18 No.3 pp.65~93, 2015김기환
◾ Regulatory policies of Toxic Chemical Substances in Korea: Examining Toxic Substances Registration and Evaluation Act, 법학논집, vol.19 No.2 pp.249~278, 2014김기환
◾ 미세먼지 농도의 영향요인 분석: 미국 대도시에 대한 회귀분석, 현대사회와 행정, vol.24 No.4 pp.1~17, 2014김기환
◾ Diagnosing the Current Problems and Developing the Future Direction of Informatization in Welfare Area of Korea, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.17 No.2 pp.89~115, 2014김기환
◾ 미국의 환경규제정책 연구: 이론적 및 역사적 관점을 중심으로, 21세기정치학회보, vol.24 No.1 pp.415~438, 2014김기환
◾ The Role of IT in Public Welfare Administration: Public Officials’ Perspectives, 현대사회와 행정, vol.23 No.3 pp.279~300, 2013김기환
◾ 친환경행태 영향요인에 관한 경쟁가설 분석, 한국행정연구, vol.22 No.4 pp.1~30, 2013김기환
◾ Usefulness and Riskiness of Big Data in Public Sector, 정책분석평가학회보, vol.23 No.2 pp.1~27, 2013김기환
◾ Determinants of the pro-environmental behavior of korean immigrants in the U.S., International Review of Public Administration, vol.17 No.3 pp.99~123, 2012김기환
◾ Green IT policies in Public Sectors: Where We Stand and Where To Go, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.13 No.3 pp.19~39, 2010김기환
◾ Economic Feasibility Analysis of IT policies: Methodology and Process Reexamined, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.13 No.1 pp.189~214, 2010김기환
◾ 김기환, Voluntary Environmental Regulation: Supplements or Alternatives of Governmental Regulation?, Towards a Pragmatic Approach to Public Administration, Meeting Citizen Expectations and Needs, 경성대학교, 2019김기환
◾ Kiwhan Kim, Sangoh Yun, Value of Personal Data: What to use, how to use, and why, ICSMB 2017, Zanpamisaki Royal Hotel, Okinawa, Japan, 2017김기환
◾ 윤상오 김기환, 빅데이터시대의 개인데이터 활용정책: 영국의 마이데이터 정책과의 비교를 중심으로, 2015-16년 SSK-Networking 4차 심포지움, LW 컨벤션, 2016김기환
◾ 문성진, 김기환, Environmentally Significant Behavior by Koreans: The Role of Social Capital, Collaboration among Government, Market, and Society, Fudan University, 2013김기환
◾ 김기환, 문성진, 친환경행태에 관한 경쟁적 가설 분석, 2012 동계학술대회 및 정기총회 민생과 행정, 가톨릭대 성심캠퍼스, 2012김기환
◾ Kiwhan Kim, Seong-gin Moon, Immigrants' Environmental Behaviors in the US, 2012 Conference Program, Flamingo Hotel, LV, Nevada, 2012김기환
◾ 김동욱,권헌영,김기환, (스마트 지능정보시대) 혁신을 위한 정책, 저서, 978-89-97937-61-5, 서울경제경영, 2017김기환
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◾ 조현석,강윤재,김기환, 빅데이터 시대의 기회와 위험, 저서, 978-89-300-8878-7, 나남, 2016김기환
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◾ 스마트 지식사회의 기회와 도전: 기술발전, 위험확산, 그리고 정책대응, 한국연구재단, 2014.09.~2017.08.김기환
◾ 미국의 환경규제정책 연구, 산학협력단, 2014.03.~2015.02.김기환
◾ 복지서비스 전달과정에서의 정보화의 역할: 공무원의 시각을 중심으로, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.김기환
◾ 친환경행태에 관한 경쟁가설 분석, 산학협력단, 2013.03.~2014.02.김기환
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