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Kee-Hong Kang
Journal Papers
◾ The Meaning of Education Development Special Zone under the Regional Balanced Development Act, Local Government Law Journal, vol.제24권 No.제4호 pp.251~290, 2024강기홍
◾ A Study on the Challenges and Legislative Response of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Cultural Arts Law, Journal of Legislationb Studies, vol.21 No.1 pp.5~41, 2024강기홍
◾ A Study on the Legal Proposal for Improvement of Autonomous Police System -Focusing on Legislative Point-, Local Government Law Journal, vol.23권 No.2호 pp.163~194, 2023강기홍
◾ Public Law Tasks for Mega-City and Balanced Development*- Federalism as a Framework for Local Autonomy and Balanced Development -, Local Government Law Journal, vol.22 No.1 pp.29~55, 2022강기홍
◾ A Legal Study on the Fairness of University Entrance Examination System, The Journal of Law of Education, vol.32 No.1 pp.1~28, 2020강기홍
◾ 지방 SOC 사업의 예비타당성조사에 관한 법리, Journal of Local Govenment LAw, vol.19 No.3 pp.255~285, 2019강기홍
◾ 공공보건의료의 공공성 강화를 위한 정부간 협치: 법적 현상과 과제, Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion, vol.36 No.4 pp.1~11, 2019강기홍
◾ Security right for nuclear power in the marine environmental local governments, 지방자치법연구, vol.17 No.4 pp.167~192, 2017강기홍
◾ An Analysis of Global Legal Issues in International Environmental Law, Global Legal Issues, 2017강기홍
◾ 독일 지방계약법의 구조와 특징, 법학연구, vol.25 No.1 pp.43~74, 2017강기홍
◾ Streitpunkte und Aufgabe von Untergesetz des koreanisch Integrierten Umweltmanagementsgesetzes, Korean Environmental Law Association, vol.38 No.3 pp.1~35, 2016강기홍
◾ Zuschlagssystem im öffentlichen Vergaberecht Deutschlands, Ewha Law Journal vol. 21., no.1(2016. 9), vol.21 No.1 pp.163~195, 2016강기홍
◾ A Study on the Realization of the Government Procurement Legal Structure of European Union in his Member State(Germany) - Focusing on the Subcontract in German Procurement Law(2) -, 유럽헌법연구, No.20 pp.1~37, 2016강기홍
◾ EU 정부조달법제의 회원국(독일)에서 실현 체계 - EU법상 하도급 법리(1) -, 가천법학, vol.9 No.1 pp.269~304, 2016강기홍
◾ A Legal Study on the Alternative School in the German School Act, 교육법학연구, vol.28 No.1 pp.1~28, 2016강기홍
◾ 「문화기본법」의 선진화 방안, 법학연구, vol.24 No.1 pp.43~60, 2016강기홍
◾ Mers und Rechtliche Governance zwischen Zentrale Regierung und Kommunen, 인권과 정의, No.452 pp.20~35, 2015강기홍
◾ Ein Vorschlag zur Änderung des koreanischen Kommunalrechts für ein dezentralisierten Staat, Public Law Journal, vol.16 No.3 pp.243~266, 2015강기홍
◾ 공공도서관의 일원화에 관한 입법정책적 고찰, 공법학연구, vol.16 No.2 pp.250~280, 2015강기홍
◾ Gesetzesinitiative und Prinzip des Bundeshaushaltsgesetzes im Deutschen Recht, 유럽헌법연구, No.17 pp.87~120, 2015강기홍
◾ Soziale Angelegenheiten der Gemeinde und ihre Aufgabe im Gesetz zur Sozialen Leistung, 지방자치법연구, vol.15 No.1 pp.45~73, 2015강기홍
◾ Organisationshoheit der Gemeinden im deutschen Recht, 서울법학, vol.22 No.3 pp.85~130, 2015강기홍
◾ Rechtsstruktur zur Schiffssicherheit der EU sowie Deutschland und ihre koreanische Bedeutung*, 공법학연구, vol.16 No.1 pp.282~308, 2015강기홍
◾ Legislative Governance Between By-Law And Ordinance For Daily Life Safety, 지방자치법연구, vol.14 No.2 pp.95~123, 2014강기홍
◾ 필수위임조례의 법령 적합성, 공법학연구, vol.14 No.4 pp.246~274, 2013강기홍
◾ Vorschlag fur die Entwicklung des gegenwartigen Zwischen-Koreanischen Austausch und Kooperationsrechts, 지방자치법연구, vol.13 No.2 pp.193~217, 2013강기홍
◾ Kriterien und Grenzen in der Reform des Regierungsorganisationsrechts, 법학연구, vol.21 No.1 pp.1~24, 2013강기홍
◾ Rechtliche Betrachtung zur nachtraglichen Verwendung von Lokalkultureinrichtungen (Expoanlagen) : Im Hinblick auf das Sondergesetz uber Unterstutzung sowie Nachtragliche Verwendung von Yeosoo Expos, 경제규제와 법, vol.5 No.2 pp.123~138, 2012강기홍
◾ Entwicklung von Rechtsordnung zur Regionalwirtschaftlichen Verstarkung in Korea - Im Hinblick auf die Regional Entwicklungspolitik -, 법학논집, vol.16 No.4 pp.37~70, 2012강기홍
◾ Rechtliche Gegenmaßnahmen auf Freihandelsabkommen(FHA) von koreaniscehn Großgemeinden - Im Hinblick auf die Gemeindesatzungen Gyeongnam’s -, 지방자치법연구, vol.12 No.2 pp.31~68, 2012강기홍
◾ Rechtliche Aufgabe fur Fortschritt der Gemeindeeigenen Polizei von Jeju - Im Hinblick auf die Fehlerhaftigkeit der Vereinbarung zwischen Gemeindeeigener und Staatlicher Polizei -, 지방자치법연구, vol.12 No.1 pp.47~74, 2012강기홍
◾ Public Procurement Institution in the European and German Law - With reference to the Improvement of Fairness for Build Subcontract -, 공법학연구, vol.13 No.1 pp.495~521, 2012강기홍
◾ Konflikt bei der Zusammenlegung von Shi und Gun und sein rechtsinstitutionelles Management, 지방자치법연구, vol.11 No.4 pp.155~180, 2011강기홍
◾ Rechtliche Stellung des Schulleiters - Im Hinblick auf das deutsche Schulgesetz fur das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen(Schulgesetz NRW - SchulG), 교육법학연구, vol.23 No.1 pp.1~33, 2011강기홍
◾ A Study on the implementing power of administrative litigation of the local government, 공법연구, vol.39 No.4 pp.13~40, 2011강기홍
◾ Neugliederung der kommunalen Verwaltungsstrukturen und Starkung der Autonomie fur den Gebiet von Eup, Myeon und Dong - Im Hinblick auf die Gesetzgebungsrichtung fur den Entwurf (vorlaufiger Name) zum Gesetz uber die Erstellung sowie den Betrieb vom Verein (ohne Rechtsfahigkeit) zur burgerlichen Autonomieaktivitaten -, 지방자치법연구, vol.11 No.2 pp.89~118, 2011강기홍
◾ Zuständigkeiten des Landesparlaments von deutscher Großstadt - Im Hinblick auf das Abgeordnetenhaus von Berlin -, 지방자치법연구, vol.10 No.4 pp.203~225, 2010강기홍
◾ Normenprüfungs- und Verwerfungskompetenz der Verwaltung - Im Vergleich mit der deutschen Rechtsordnung -, 공법연구, vol.39 No.1 pp.255~282, 2010강기홍
◾ Struktur des Gender Mainstreaming und Frauenpolitik im europaischen und deutschen Recht, 유럽헌법연구, vol.0 No.7 pp.211~228, 2010강기홍
◾ Rechtliche Bedeutung und Aufgabe der freiwilligen Neugliederung des kommunalen Verwaltungsgebietes, 지방자치법연구, vol.10 No.1 pp.33~55, 2010강기홍
◾ Gewährleistung der kommunalen Kulturhoheit- Im Hinblick auf den Fall des finanziellen Sicherungsschemas von Kommunal Kulturellem Center(KKC) -, 지방자치법연구, vol.9 No.2 pp.193~218, 2009강기홍
◾ Die rechtliche Lehre zur Verwirklichung der Gender empfängliche Budgeting in Kommunen-Im Hinblink auf Beispiel von Land Nordrhein-Westfalen Deutschlands-, 지방자치법연구, vol.9 No.1 pp.103~124, 2009강기홍
◾ Funktion und Grenze des gegenw?tigen B?gerrevisionssystems, 지방자치법연구, vol.8 No.2 pp.101~136, 2008강기홍
◾ Betrachtung zur Verbesserung von Green Building System, 환경법연구, vol.30 No.1 pp.57~82, 2008강기홍
Conference Papers
◾ 강기홍 황창용, The Dispute Resolution System in German Public Procurement Law, with Reference to the Procurement Chamber (Vergabekammer)., Paper of Public Procurement Law Research, 법무법인 율촌 38층 회의실, 2023강기홍
◾ 강기홍 외 다수, A Study on the Education Free Zone Policy for Local Era, The Korean Regional Development Association 2023 Spring Conference/ Local Era, The Future of Korea, 경북 구미시 구미코, 2023강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Significance and Realization Plan of Free Education Special Zone under Public Law, 2022 Joint Academic Conference, 국회의원회관 제2간ㄷ마회의실, 2022강기홍
◾ 강기홍 최우용 홍종현 김남욱, The trend of regional hyper-regionalization and public law tasks for balanced development-Public contract as a means of realizing autonomy and balanced development, Regular academic meeting of the Korean Association of Local Autonomy Law, 창원컨벤션센터 602호, 2021강기홍
◾ 강기홍 신혜린 김재현, The Challenge and Response to the Cultural Arts Law System of Artificial Intelligence (AI), 2021 Korea’s Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting, 줌회의(Virtual Webinar Conference), 2021강기홍
◾ 강기홍, 엄주희, 신정규, Ways to secure fairness in college entrance examination, Korea Anti-Corruption Law Association / Korean Lawyers Association Joint Academic Conference Collection, 대한변호사협회, 2019강기홍
◾ 강기홍 김대인 윤성철 강문수 , Laws on Preliminary Feasibility Study of Local SOC Projects, Konkuk University's Korea Legal Research Institute Joint Conference of the Korean Local Autonomy Association and the Korea Land and Construction Association, 건국대 법전원, 2019강기홍
◾ 신두섭/박승규 김연성 최자은/신유호 허은진 배진희/이은주 백주원/원미연 서우석 배관표 박나송/최영호 강기홍 채경진 정상철 외 다수, Legal Considerations on National Concessions of Local Cultural Properties, Innovative Inclusive Growth and Local Culture Economy Solutions, 강원도 강릉시 가톨릭관동대학교, 2019강기홍
◾ 권근상 임준 강기홍 오영아 , Government-to-Government Collaboration on the Publicity of Public Health Care, Korean Society for Healthy Education and Promotion, 한국보건복지인력개발원 세종시, 2019강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Possibility and Limitation of Local Council Officials Act, A policy debate for the legislation of the Local Council Officials Act, 국회의원회관 제1세미나실, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Decentralization and amendment, A forum for finding the direction of constitutional amendment to decentralization, 의왕시청, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, A Study on the Regulation of Local Contract Act, Local Contractions and Social Liability, 원주시 오크밸리 컨벤션홀, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Constitutional amendment and the public service of education, Administrative and Legal Issues on the Amendment of the Constitution, 국회입법조사처 대회의실, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, The role of central and local governments in the marine environment and energy issues, Marine Environment and Energy, 부산대, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, The Current State and Task of the Central Jurisditional Administrative Power, New Settlement Relationship between Central and Local Government, 명지대학교, 2017강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Structure and Character of the Korean and German Local Procurement Law, korean Associaltion for Local Government Law, 일본 큐슈대학 법과대학, 2016강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Affair Relevant Relationship, Association for Studying about The Improper Solicitation and Graft Act, 국민권익위원회 서울종합민원사무소, 2016강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Meaning for Korea of German Local Procement Law, Koean Assosication for Local Governemt Contracting, 충남대학교, 2016강기홍
◾ 강기홍, Legal Issuse of General Institute Management Law, Korean Environmental Law Association, 롯데리조트 부여, 2016강기홍
◾ 강기홍, German Contract Administration and Decision System, Korea Local Procurement Association, 경기창조경제혁신센터, 2016강기홍
◾ 최봉석, 전학선, 최우용, 강기홍, 한국의 지방분권형 국가를 위한 지방자치법의 개정 방안, 외국의 지방분권개혁과 한국의 지방자치법의 개정방안, 국회도서관, 2015강기홍
◾ 김성기, 강기홍, 류시조, 하봉운, 정필운/이덕난, 노기호, 공공도서관에 있어서 교육자치와 지방자치의 연계 통합, 교육자칭화 지방자치의 연계 통합, 서울과학기술대학교, 2015강기홍
◾ 강기홍, 문화기본법의 선진화 방안, 문화경제학, 서울 대학로 예술가의 집, 2015강기홍
◾ 강기홍, 수자원(국가자원) 공유를 통한 지방자치단체간 화합상생, 상생화합을 위한 광역식수정책 개선방안 토론회, 경남발전연구원, 2014강기홍
◾ 강기홍, 독일의 여객선 안정법제와 한국적 함의, 공법학연구, 전북대학교, 2014강기홍
◾ Yukins, Mueller, Burgi, Quinot, Kang, Bermudez, Schooner, Essig, Current Developments in South Korean Procurement Law, Europe Meets U.S. And Others, House of Literature Munich - Library, 2014강기홍
◾ 강기홍, 독일의 대안교육법리- 홈스쿨링(Homeschooling)을 중심으로, 독일과 말레이시아 교육법제의 최근 동향, 서울여대 대학로캠퍼스, 2014강기홍
◾ 대한교육법학회 편, Understanding and practice of education law, 저서, 9788925416700, Publisher of Education and Science, 2022강기홍
◾ 공공보건의료의 공공성 강화를 위한 정부간 협력-법적 현상과 과제-, 산학협력단, 2019.03.~2020.02.강기홍
◾ EU법상 미세먼지 대응 정책, 산학협력단, 2018.05.~2019.04.강기홍
◾ 서울시 공공도서관 서비스 전달체계 선진화 방안 연구, 서울특별시 서울도서관, 2018.04.~2018.09.강기홍
◾ 미술품 감정기관 및 미술은행 운영방안 연구, 재단법인예술경영지원센터, 2017.12.~2018.03.강기홍
◾ 지방분권 개헌의 방향, 산학협력단, 2017.11.~2018.10.강기홍
◾ 해양환경의 지방에 대한 원자력 안전고권, 산학협력단, 2017.08.~2018.07.강기홍
◾ 독일 교육법상 대안교육의 법리, 산학협력단, 2015.11.~2016.04.강기홍
◾ 문화기본법의 선진화 방안, 산학협력단, 2015.10.~2016.02.강기홍
◾ 독일법상 지방자치단체의 자치조직권, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2015.02.강기홍
◾ 생활안전을 위한 법령과 조례의 입법 거버넌스, 산학협력단, 2014.05.~2015.02.강기홍
◾ EU 정부조달법제의 회원국(독일)에서 실현 체계, 한국연구재단, 2013.05.~2014.04.강기홍
◾ contribition for developing of korean local financial system, Korea State President, Korea State President, 2016강기홍
Department of Public Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
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