outline of curriculum
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outline of curriculum
 영문-행정학과 outline of curriculum
100962 Introduction to the social science
While looking at how the tradition of scientific research on social phenomena has accumulated, it explores how social phenomena in various sectors, including politics, economy, and social culture, are interconnected.
100259 Introduction to Law
This course fosters basic legal knowledge that administrative scholars should have, such as learning the general law on the ideology, basic system, principles, types and forms of law, and examining the characteristics and basic contents of the Constitution, civil law, and criminal law.
126102 Introduction to Public Administration
This course deals with basic theories of administration, introduces the development process of administration, academic character, approach, and major theories, and introduces detailed research areas such as policies, organizations, personnel, budgets, information, local autonomy, and administrative reforms.
126201 Theories of Public Organization
To establish an academic foundation for organizational theory and organizational management, analyze organizational structural characteristics and management practices with a basic understanding of the organization's environment, stakeholders, organizational structure design, organizational skills, organizational culture, and organizational innovation.
126205 Introduction to Public Policy
This course deals with policy studies that study government policies to solve social problems and seek improvement measures, and various methodologies of policy research and theory of policy process as a whole, including policy-making, enforcement, and evaluation.
126105 Economics(1)
Knowledge of economics is critical to understanding not only the market economy but also the economic aspects of government activities. This course teaches basic economic analysis techniques and knowledge of economics as a whole, and provides an opportunity for introduction to the economic methodologies needed to analyze government activities learned in advanced courses.
126109 Constitutional Law(1)
As the nation's highest law, it learns constitutional development history, character, structure, function, principles and relationships with other laws, characteristics of each country's constitution, establishment and revision, interpretation, protection, concept of basic rights, subject, effect, and competition.
126113 Quantitative Analysis in Public Administration
This course teaches basic statistical analysis, i.e., academic theory, sampling theory, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and regression, and cultivate the ability to apply statistical techniques and interpret results through computer practice.
126349 Bureaucracy and Democracy
The role, function, and change of bureaucracy, which are common characteristics of large-scale organizations in modern society, are studied in relation to democracy.
126353 Administrative Law(1)
This course helps administrative students acquire the necessary knowledge of administrative law and solve administrative legal problems that meet in various and complex administrative realities according to the relevant laws, principles, and precedents.
126202 Research Methods in Public Administration
For research in the field of administrative studies, it deals with the regulations of research problems, the design of local surveys, data collection, and the association of basic statistical techniques.
126208 Public Budgeting and Finance
Based on the overall understanding of the central government budget and financial management, the budget is determined by a budget process that includes a series of steps, and various participants find their political and economic interests pursued. It also studies the history, process, and reform of the budget.
126243 Public Personnel Administration
This course studies personnel administration, an activity that manages human resources necessary to achieve government goals, and deals with theories and techniques necessary to efficiently develop and utilize government personnel, such as the recruitment of human resources, capacity development, and motivation.
126106 Economics(2)
In preparation for the appointment examination of public officials of Grade 7 or higher and the appointment examination of public corporations, the overall economics learned in economics l is reorganized, and the previous questions and expected tests are solved together.
126110 Constitutional Law(2)
This course deals with a structure in which constitutional power is maintained and mutually checked in accordance with the principle of separation of powers. Furthermore, it examines the principle of the court's control over administrative actions and the hierarchy of the court. It also learns the nature of the Constitutional Court, the guardian of the Constitution and basic rights, through precedents.
126248 Organizational Behavior
The goal is to learn the theories and analysis methods necessary to understand and analyze the personal characteristics of the members, activities in groups, and organizational life. It mainly explores human attitudes and characteristics, perception and learning, motivation, group, conflict, communication, power and politics, and leadership.
126301 Public Management Information System
Theoretical backgrounds and policy perspectives related to the role, composition and operation of the administrative information system established for administrative efficiency and improvement of public services are summarized.
126350 Administrative Law(2)
This course helps to respond to administrative legal disputes and rights relief arising from administrative reality by understanding the basic contents of objections to the administrative office, requests for compensation, administrative appeals, administrative litigation, and constitutional litigation.
126524 Public Service Aptitude Inquiry(1)
This course aims to broaden its understanding of public offices by providing basic knowledge and theory for students who wish to enter the public sector.
126207 Public Administration Model and Analysis
This course introduces theories that can understand the nature and challenges of administrative computerization and at the same time deals with computer language education, which plays an essential role in administrative practice.
126114 Regulation Policy
This course analyzes the government's gear regulations, auxiliary competition policies, and industrial policies, and examines the impact of interaction methods between governments and companies on economic performance.
126303 Local Government Administration
The purpose of the project is to help local governments have a basic understanding of the management. To this end, major issues such as the history, function, finance, organization, and autonomy of local governments are studied.
126307 English Readings in Public Administration ※English-only classes
This course develops the ability to read administrative applications and helps to understand administrative theory.
126355 Policy Formulation
This course learns about theories and practices related to the process (Agenda setting, policy formation, enforcement and evaluation), participants (Official participants-President, bureaucracy, Congress, unofficial participants-interest groups, civic groups, and the media.), and environment of policy decisions.
126525 Public Service Aptitude Inquiry(2)
This course expands opportunities for advancement into the public sector by learning in detail the characteristics, recruitment methods, tests, etc. of government agencies and public institutions based on what they have learned in the Public Service Aptitude Inquiry(1)
126528 Research on Publicness
It is meaningful to explore various aspects of the public nature underlying government activities. It mainly explores public nature, public interest, public goods, public society, public value, social value, public service motivation, social capital, etc.
126014 Risk Management Safety Policy
This course explores policy alternatives for social safety through a systematic understanding and approach based on a socioscientific perspective, not a technological approach to the dangers and disasters of modern society.
126016 Public Management
This course promotes a comprehensive understanding of the overall administrative management by providing various theories and knowledge necessary to study public management.
126107 Theory and Practice in Public Administration
This course summarizes the knowledge learned in the Department of Public Administration and helps the government and state-run companies get jobs directly.
126306 Policy Analysis and Evaluation
This course is designed to learn fundamental agenda technique, which is for making choice and exploring of alternative according to policy objective. In addition to that, the course covers methods and practical functions of policy implementation and evaluation
126348 Understanding Social Welfare
This course understands welfare ideology and human development stage needs by comparing welfare policies of each country.
126502 Political Science
This course understands political phenomena such as power relationships and governance phenomena essential to human society, consensus on social values and goals, and system composition and operation for maintaining public order.
126523 Cultural Industrial Policy
This course understands the basic ideology and direction of cultural policy through historical context, theory, and practice, and discuss the background and issues behind the cultural industry's inclusion in cultural policy areas, major legislation and policies.
126526 Intergovernmental Relations
The purpose of this course is to acquaint students with intergovernmental relations, intergovernmental management, and collaborative public management in the fields of functions and finances. It also help them understand institutional arrangements and their dynamics among the central and local governments.
126015 Management Science
This course reviews analytic approach and strategic thinking of policy-related social issues by utilizing diverse quantitative programs or techniques such as linear program and System Dynamics.
126112 Administrative Law Case Study
In Administrative Law Case Study, we try to learn that based on the general theory of administrative law and the understanding of the theory and basic precedents of administrative remedy law, the recent Supreme Court and Constitutional Court rulings in response to the contents of each unit of administrative law (administrative legislation, administrative action, means of securing effectiveness, administrative order and information reporting, rights relief, etc.).
126115 Environment Policy
This class deals with policy process, policy instruments, evaluation methods, environmental conflicts, international environmental issues in environmental policy areas. Students are expected to acquire diverse knowledge and analytic ability for solving current environmental issues.
126345 Korea Public Administration
This course deals with the culture, organization, institution, process, etc. of Korean administration and considers current issues and tasks of Korean administration.
126444 Philosophy of Public Administration
The political and social phenomena and issues raised in relation to the operation of the government, state and administrative system are reviewed through the main concepts and principles of political philosophy, various theories and explanatory systems, and examined the issue of political and social feasibility.
126506 Planning in the Public Sector
This course covers theories and practices of planning needed in national, regional and organizational level, and is designed to improve students' capability of planning by making project proposals and according presentations.
126527 Local Government Finance
This course helps to understand the structure, theory, process, system, etc. related to the revenue and expenditure of local finances, and understands not only the local government's own resources such as local taxes, but also recent issues related to them.
126012 IT Convergence Policy
This course examines the changes in policy and policy environment according to the development of IT technology and learns key policy issues and basic theories and concepts necessary to understand them.
126013l Urban Issues and Policy
This course deals with the understanding and policy analysis of phenomena related to housing, transportation, land use, environment, etc., which can be considered a representative urban problem.
126463 Theories of Negotiation
This course reviews the theoretical issues related to negotiation and familiarize ourselves with the way and process in which actual negotiations take place around various types of negotiation examples, guidelines to be good negotiators through analysis of their results, and various negotiation techniques.
126464 Administrative Reform
This course learns the logic, process, and contents of improvement activities to solve problems in the public sector in a desirable direction, focusing on theories and major cases, and cultivates the ability to analyze administrative reform according to social changes.
126521 Capstone Design
By applying the administrative theory learned so far to administrative phenomena in Korea, it practices developing new administrative theory, explaining administrative phenomena, and proposing alternatives to administrative issues in the form of academic papers or policy reports.
Department of Public Administration, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 139-743, Korea Tel:+82-2-970-6489 / Fax:+82-2-971-4647
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