학과 전임교수
학과 전임교수
 교수소개 학과 전임교수
조직관리, 의사결정론
상상관 807호
1988. 9. ~ 1992. 12. : 미국 Michigan State University. 정치학과 졸업 (Ph. D.)
1984. 2. ~ 1986. 2. : 한양대학교 대학원 행정학과 졸업 (행정학석사)
1980. 3. ~ 1984. 2. : 한양대학교 행정학과 졸업 (행정학사)
주요 경력
2007. 4. ~ 현재 서울과학기술대학교 행정학과 교수
2009. 8. ~ 2010. 1. 벨기에 Catholic University of Leuven (KUL) 방문교수
2005. 8. ~ 2006. 7. 영국 Exeter University 방문교수
2002. 4. ~ 2007. 3. 서울산업대학교 행정학과 부교수
1999. 8. ~ 2002. 3. 서울산업대학교 행정학과 조교수
1998. 4. ~ 1999. 7. 동국대학교 행정학과 조교수
1996. 3. ~ 1998. 3. 동국대학교 행정학과 전임강사
1994. 12. ~ 1995. 12. 서울시정개발연구원 초빙부연구위원
1993. 3. ~ 1995. 8. 한양대학교 행정학과 시간강사
1990. 9. ~ 1992. 12. Michigan State University 강의조교
연구 분야
공공봉사동기, 사회신뢰, 조직행동, 조직이론, 인적자원관리
담당 교과목
[학부] 행정조직론, 조직행동, 공공성탐구, 캡스톤디자인
[대학원] 전략적 조직관리, 조직행동과 리더십
주요논문 및 저서
(2005년 이후)

Seung Hyun Kim & Sangmook Kim. 2024. Trust and Public Service Motivation. Public Performance & Management Review. 47(6): 1356-1375.

Harin Woo & Sangmook Kim. 2024. Public Service Motivation and Public Sector Employment in Korea. Public Administration Review. 84(5): 966-981.

Sangmook Kim. 2022. Partial Metric Invariance of the International Measure of Public Service Motivation among Twelve Countries: A Research Note. International Journal of Public Administration, 45(15): 1103~1109.

김상묵. 2022. 행정환경 변화와 정부조직 재설계. 『한국행정연구』, 31(1): 1~26.

Seung Hyun Kim & Sangmook Kim. 2021. Particularized Trust, Institutional Trust, and Generalized Trust: An Examination of Causal Pathways. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(4): 840-855.

Dong Chul Shim, Hyun Hee Park, Jaeduk Keum, and Sangmook Kim. 2021. Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: Can Public Managers’ Servant-Leader Orientation Make a Difference? Public Personnel Management, 50(3): 307–326.

Sangmook Kim. 2021. Education and Public Service Motivation: A Longitudinal Study of High School Graduates. Public Administration Review, 81(2): 260-272.

Seung Hyun Kim & Sangmook Kim. 2021. Social trust as an individual characteristic or societal property?, International Review of Public Administration, 26(1): 1-17.

김상묵. 2018. 공공봉사동기 연구의 성과와 과제. 『정부학연구』, 24(3): 43-112.

Sangmook Kim. 2018. Public Service Motivation, Organizational Social Capital, and Knowledge Sharing in the Korean Public Sector. Public Performance & Management Review, 41(1): 130-151.

Seung Hyun Kim & Sangmook Kim. 2017. Ethnic differences in social desirability bias: Effects on the analysis of public service motivation. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 37(4): 472-491.

Sangmook Kim. 2017. Developing an item pool and testing measurement invariance for measuring public service motivation in Korea. International Review of Public Administration, 22(3): 231-244.

김상묵. 2017. 국가공무원의 공직가치: 공직가치모형의 개발과 검증. 『한국행정연구』, 26(2): 1-41.

Sangmook Kim. 2017. National Culture and Public Service Motivation: investigating the relationship using Hofstede's five cultural dimensions. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 83(1S): 23-40.

Sangmook Kim. 2017. Comparison of a Multidimensional to a Unidimensional Measure of Public Service Motivation: Predicting Work Attitudes, International Journal of Public Administration, 40(6): 504-515.

Seung Hyun Kim and Sangmook Kim. 2016. Social Desirability Bias in Measuring Public Service Motivation. International Public Management Journal, 19(3): 293-319.

Seung Hyun Kim and Sangmook Kim. 2016. National Culture and Social Desirability Bias in Measuring Public Service Motivation. Administration & Society, 48(4): 444-476.

Sangmook Kim, Wouter Vandenabeele, Bradley E. Wright, Lotte Bøgh Andersen, Francesco Paolo Cerase, Robert K. Christensen, Céline Desmarais, Maria Koumenta, Peter Leisink, Bangcheng Liu, Jolanta Palidauskaite, Lene Holm Pedersen, James L. Perry, Adrian Ritz, Jeannette Taylor, and Paola De Vivo. 2013. Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 23(1): 79-102.

Sangmook Kim. 2012. Does person-organization fit matter in the public sector? Testing the mediating effect of person-organization fit in the relationship between public service motivation and work attitudes. Public Administration Review, 72(6): 830-840.

Sangmook KIm. 2011. Testing a revised measure of public service motivation: Reflective versus formative specification. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 21(3): 521-546.

Sangmook Kim & Wouter Vandenabeele. 2010. A Strategy for Building Public Service Motivation Research Internationally. Public Administration Review, 70(5): 701-709.

Sangmook Kim. 2010. Position Islands on the Career Sea: An Evaluation of the Open Competitive Position System in Korea. Public Personnel Management, 39(3): 243-258.

Sangmook Kim. 2009. Revising Perry's Measurement Scale of Public Service Motivation. American Review of Public Administration, 39(2): 149-163.

Sangmook Kim. 2009. Testing the structure of public service motivation in Korea; A research note. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 19(3): 839-851.

Sangmook Kim. 2008. Women and family-friendly policies in the Korean government. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 74(3): 463-476.

Sangmook Kim. 2006. Public service motivation and organizational citizenship behavior in Korea. International Journal of Manpower, 27(8): 722-740.

Sangmook Kim. 2006. Gender equality, family-friendly policies and government performance. Presented at the 56th Political Studies Association Annual Conference, 4-6 April 2006, University of Reading, UK.

Sangmook Kim. 2005. Individual-level factors and organizational performance in government organizations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 15(2): 245-261.

Sangmook Kim. 2005. Gender differences in the job satisfaction of public employees: A study of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Korea. Sex Roles 52(9/10): 667-681.

김상묵. 2005. 공직 선택동기와 공무원의 행태. 『한국행정연구』, 14(2): 297-325.
저널 논문
◾ Trust and Public Service Motivation, Public Performance & Management Review, vol.47 No.6 pp.1356~1375, 2024김상묵
◾ 대학교 행정학과 학생의 전공선택동기, 전공만족도, 전공-직무일치 취업 및 직장만족도에 관한 연구, 한국인사행정학회보, vol.23 No.3 pp.65~96, 2024김상묵
◾ Public service motivation and public sector employment in Korea, Public Administration Review, vol.84 No.5 pp.966~981, 2024김상묵
◾ 고등학교 교육활동과 공공봉사동기, 한국공공관리학보, vol.38 No.1 pp.1~26, 2024김상묵
◾ Undergraduate education in public administration and public service motivation: A quasi-experiment with the intervention of an introductory course, Teaching Public Administration, vol.41 No.2 pp.170~189, 2023김상묵
◾ The Role of Social Norms on Public Service Motivation and Prosocial Behavior: Moderating Effect versus Direct Effect, International Journal of Public Administration, vol.45 No.16 pp.1122~1131, 2022김상묵
◾ Partial Metric Invariance of the International Measure of Public Service Motivation among Twelve Countries: A Research Note, International Journal of Public Administration, vol.45 No.15 pp.1103~1109, 2022김상묵
◾ Institutional correlates of public service motivation: family, religion, and high school education, Asia Pacific Journal of Public Administration, vol.44 No.3 pp.214~233, 2022김상묵
◾ 행정환경 변화와 정부조직 재설계, 한국행정연구, vol.31 No.1 pp.1~26, 2022김상묵
◾ Particularized Trust, Institutional Trust, and Generalized Trust: An Examination of Causal Pathways, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PUBLIC OPINION RESEARCH, vol.33 No.4 pp.840~855, 2021김상묵
◾ 중등교육이 공공봉사동기에 미치는 영향 분석, 한국공공관리학보, vol.35 No.4 pp.1~25, 2021김상묵
◾ Street-Level Bureaucrats’ Work Engagement: Can Public Managers’ Servant-Leader Orientation Make a Difference?, Public Personnel Management, vol.50 No.3 pp.307~326, 2021김상묵
◾ Education and Public Service Motivation: A Longitudinal Study of High School Graduates, Public Administration Review, vol.81 No.2 pp.260~272, 2021김상묵
◾ Social trust as an individual characteristic or societal property?, International Review of Public Administration, vol.26 No.1 pp.1~17, 2021김상묵
◾ 세 가지 신뢰유형과 정치적 신뢰의 매개적 역할, 한국공공관리학보, vol.33 No.1 pp.27~49, 2019김상묵
◾ 정부효과성과 사회신뢰, 국정관리연구, vol.14 No.1 pp.53~81, 2019김상묵
◾ 사적 신뢰, 보편적 신뢰 및 제도적 신뢰 간의 관계: 발틱국가 중심의 사례비교연구, 한국공공관리학보, vol.32 No.4 pp.1~25, 2018김상묵
◾ 공공기관의 조직가치가 공공봉사동기와 업무열의에 미치는 영향, 한국행정학보, vol.52 No.4 pp.55~85, 2018김상묵
◾ 공공봉사동기 연구의 성과와 과제, 정부학연구, vol.24 No.3 pp.43~112, 2018김상묵
◾ 공무원의 공공봉사동기와 인적자원관리, 한국인사행정학회보, vol.17 No.3 pp.145~174, 2018김상묵
◾ 사회신뢰와 정부의 역할, 한국공공관리학보, vol.32 No.2 pp.1~24, 2018김상묵
◾ Public Service Motivation, Organizational Social Capital, and Knowledge Sharing in the Korean Public Sector, PUBLIC PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT REVIEW, vol.41 No.1 pp.130~151, 2018김상묵
◾ 갈등전환: 새로운 관점에 대한 논의, 국가정책연구, vol.31 No.4 pp.1~25, 2017김상묵
◾ Ethnic Differences in Social Desirability Bias: Effects on the Analysis of Public Service Motivation, REVIEW OF PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION, vol.37 No.4 pp.472~491, 2017김상묵
◾ Developing an item pool and testing measurement invariance for measuring public service motivation in Korea, International Review of Public Administration, vol.22 No.3 pp.231~244, 2017김상묵
◾ 국가공무원의 공직가치: 공직가치모형의 개발과 검증, 한국행정연구, vol.26 No.2 pp.1~42, 2017김상묵
◾ Comparison of a Multidimensional to a Unidimensional Measure of Public Service Motivation: Predicting Work Attitudes, International Journal of Public Administration, vol.40 No.6 pp.504~515, 2017김상묵
◾ National culture and public service motivation: investigating the relationship using Hofstede's five cultural dimensions, INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES, vol.83 pp.23~40, 2017김상묵
◾ Job characteristics, public service motivation, and work performance in Korea, Gestion et Management Public, vol.5 No.1 pp.7~24, 2016김상묵
◾ 공공성 및 공공봉사동기 증진을 위한 교육방안, 한국공공관리학보, vol.30 No.3 pp.181~204, 2016김상묵
◾ National Culture and Social Desirability Bias in Measuring Public Service Motivation, ADMINISTRATION SOCIETY, vol.48 No.4 pp.444~476, 2016김상묵
◾ 조직발전을 위한 전략적 개입에 관한 연구: 미국 플로리다주 국세청 역량증진국 사례의 시사점, 국가정책연구, vol.28 No.4 pp.35~62, 2014김상묵
◾ 사회문화와 공공봉사동기: 문화권역별 공공봉사동기 수준 비교, 한국정책과학학회보, vol.18 No.4 pp.1~26, 2014김상묵
◾ Investigating the Structure and Meaning of Public Service Motivation across Populations: Developing an International Instrument and Addressing Issues of Measurement Invariance, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY, vol.23 No.1 pp.79~102, 2013김상묵
◾ Does Person-Organization Fit Matter in the Public Sector? Testing the Mediating Effect of Person-Organization Fit in the Relationship between Public Service Motivation and Work Attitudes, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, vol.72 No.6 pp.830~840, 2012김상묵
◾ 개방형 조정방식과 ICT 거버넌스, 한국지역정보화학회지, vol.15 No.3 pp.129~152, 2012김상묵
◾ 유학사상과 공공봉사동기와의 관계, 한국정책연구, vol.12 No.2 pp.79~98, 2012김상묵
◾ Testing a Revised Measure of Public Service Motivation: Reflective versus Formative Specification, JOURNAL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION RESEARCH AND THEORY, vol.21 No.3 pp.521~546, 2011김상묵
◾ Position Islands on the Career Sea: An Evaluation of the Open Competitive Position System in Korea, PUBLIC PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT, vol.39 pp.243~258, 2010김상묵
◾ A Strategy for Building Public Service Motivation Research Internationally, PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION REVIEW, vol.70 No.5 pp.701~709, 2010김상묵
◾ 김상묵, 공공봉사동기 그리고 공동창출과 공동생산, 한국행정학회 하계학술발표논문집, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2024김상묵
2023. 5. 학문의 길: 행정학자들의 이야기. (공저) 윤성사.
2023. 3. Cultural Values, Institutions, and Trust. (공저) London: Routledge.
2021. 5. 경계가 허물어진 미래, 뉴거버넌스 시대가 열린다. (공저) 서울연구원.
2018. 2. Public Administration and Policy in Korea. (공편) London: Routledge.
2016. 12. 한국 행정학의 역할과 미래의 설계: 회고와 발전 방향의 모색. (공저) 법문사.
2014. 11. Leadership and Culture: Comparative Models of Top Civil Servant Training. (공저) London: Palgrave.
2014. 8. 볼로냐협약의 집행성과. (공저) 법문사.
2014. 2. 유럽연합의 대학개혁. (공저) 법문사.
2013. 5. 한국인의 공공봉사동기: 세계적 보편성과 한국적 특수성. (단독) 집문당. [2014년도 대한민국학술원 우수학술도서 선정]
◾ 교내 우수교육상(2014), 교내 우수교육상(2014), 서울과학기술대학교, 2014김상묵

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